Friday, January 24, 2014

Let's Just Praise the Lord

As I begin this journey, I know that God has something special for me to do...I am not completely sure what that task is, but He will direct me in the right way.

Some of my goals on this journey are:

1-Praise God more!!
2-To continue on my journey of regaining my first love for the Lord
3-To be a better me spiritually and physically
4-Show my friends and family who is in control of my life
5-Have a better relationship with my husband,kids and grandkids
6-To be the very best me I can be

Let's just praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Let's just lift our hearts to heaven and praise the Lord;
Let's just praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Let's just lift our hearts to heaven and praise the Lord!

O we thank You for Your kindness, we thank You for Your love,
We have been in heavenly places, felt blessings from above;
We've been sharing all the good things, the family can afford,
Let's just turn our praise toward heaven and praise the Lord.

Just the precious name of Jesus is worthy of our praise,
Let us bow our knees before Him, our hands to heaven raise;
When He comes in clouds of glory, with Him to ever reign,
Let's just lift our happy voices, and praise His name.

Thanks for your continued support and prayers as I take this journey.

Blessings always!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Raging Battle

The battle to overcome the ever food craving is often overwhelming!!! After becoming an amputee in August of 2010, I was now a semi-permanent fixture in my home and being alone was not my friend. I found the kitchen to close and the snack drawer to easy to reach. I had given part of the situation to God and knew He would see me through the adjustments ahead, but how did I fill those lonely hours when my wonderful husband was at work?

Satan now showed even more so how to feel sorry for myself and why did I care what I looked like...I only went out for doctor's visits. Did I ever stop to think that as a Child of the King I still had a responsibility to take care of God's temple? No...however I can't go back and 2014 is my year to get it right.

Praise God today I finally got my permanent proper fitting prosthetic and am still working to reach the goals God has given me. Will the cravings go away...I am sure not, but I now fulfill the cravings with a healthy dose of good ole scripture and prayer.

Reaching out to God to help me on this journey has given me back my first love for Jesus and I am looking forward to accomplishing everything He has for me.

Blessings always!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Favorite Verse...Philippians 4:13


My Life Verse: Philippians 4:13:


In all my life's journey, I realize that I can only make it through my relationship with Christ. His answer is not always what I want to hear, but it is ALWAYS the right one. My faith is sometimes tested as with all Christians, but having the Rock of Christ to lean on is sustaining. I love being able to share with others how Christ strength has bought through many struggles and delivered me whole every time.

I am looking forward to making new friends with or "Made to Crave" journey.

Blessings always!!!