Saturday, December 12, 2015

Another Year...and GOD saw Me Through Again!!!!!

A new year is on the horizon and as you can see, I have not really kept up with my blog. In 2015, God added to our blessings with three new grands adopted through the Foster system. My husband and I spent 8 weeks in August, Georgia for his job. Several friends and loved ones changed their address to Heaven. The one constant in our lives is the God never let us down, (but I never thought He would).

Being able to put all our faith in the Lord, we are looking to great changes in better half will be retiring, we will be celebrating 40 wonderful years of marriage and our oldest grand is going away to college. Time sure flies and only with the Master can we make it through these amazing changes He provides for us.

My prayer for the new year is that I will always be a witness for the Lord with every thought, word and deed and that everyday I can pay it forward in some small way.

Finishing out the year, Merry Christmas to all and stay safe and kiss your loved ones. You will never know if it is the last kiss you will give them this side of Heaven.

Blessings Always!!!